How To Get Rid Of Dust Mites in 6 Steps

Image of the top 6 ways to get rid of dust mites, the top mistakes people make and how Anti Dust Mite Steps in the Home

Follow these 6 steps to get rid of dust mites fast and effectively:

  1. Use a dehumidfier to reduce humidity to below 50%
  2. top down cleaning approach weekly
  3. Use Eucalyptus silk encasements and bedding
  4. Use a HEPA air purifier 
  5. Remove fabrics from your home
  6. Remove carpets from your home

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Introduction To House Dust Mites

A close up image of dust mite allergens, 1. inside that gut, 2. their poo
  • Thousands of house dust mites live in your home: they are too small to see (0.2mm) and look like an 8 legged arachnid. These cause your Dust mite allergy
  • Dust mites mostly live in the bedroom: items like mattresses, pillows, and curtains.
  • Do Dust Mites Bite? No Dust Mites cannot leave bite marks but will cause an itchy red rash
  • What is a Dust Mite Allergy? You are allergic to the proteins on the dust mite. This is found inside their gut and in their faeces. When these proteins come into contact with your skin, face and airways, your body has a reaction causing your symptoms



    Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms

    • Skin
      • Itchy skin
      • red rashes scratch marks
      • Hives



    • Nose / Throat / Sinus / Ear issues
      • mucus dripping down throat
      • Runny Nose
      • Blocked Nose
      • Cough
      • Chronic Rhinitis and Sinusitis 
      • Facial pressure
      • Asthma
      • Difficulty breathing
      • An audible whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling
      • Increased Ear Wax
      • Reduced Hearing 
      • Pressue in ear drum


    • Eyes
      • Often Touch eye or skin near eyes
      • Red eyes
      • Watery eyes
      • wake up with crust in eyes
      • The skin under your eyes is swollen or blue / darker than normal
      • Blurred Vision (especially in the morning)



    • Mental
      • Often Tired
      • Struggle to concentrate
      • Want to nap during the day
      • the effects of a dust mite allergy often lead to many other effects such as relationship issues and reduced confidence



    • Child
      • Often touching their nose 
      • red patches on skin, even in places they cannot touch
      • All of the above symptoms and: 
    If you experience any of the symptoms and are unsure if you have an allergy, take our free online test

    Take Our Free Dust Mite Allergy Test


    Step 1 - Encasements - Anti Dust Mite Bedding for Mattress / Pillow / Duvet

    Use a dust mite protector for your pillow, mattress, and duvet: These are designed to have an impenetrable barrier that keeps dust mites from getting in or out. This will kill the dust mites trapped inside and prevent dust mites on the outside from hiding. how dust mite encasements work
    how to get rid of dust mites encasements and anti bedding wash diagram

    1. Encase your Mattress / Pillow / Duvet In encasements:Dust mites inside the encasement will die due to starvation, dust mites outside the encasements are unable to hide. Duvet is optional as it will reduce breathability - alternative is to wash the duvet every 2-4 weeks. The 

    2. Dust Mites Have Nowhere to Hide: The dust mites outside the encasements are forced to stay in your bedsheets

    3. Washing your bedding every week at 60 degrees: The dust mites that are outside your encasements will die from this temperature


    Signs of a Good Dust Mite Protector/Encasement/Case

    1. Dust Mite Proof Zip AND Material: The material and its zip should not let water through. If there are any holes or gaps in the material or the zip, dust mites can sneak in, making the cover not work well to stop allergies.

    2. Easy to Clean: Encasements should be cleaned every 1-4 weeks this can be done by

    - Freezing for minimum of 24 hours (ideally 1 week)

    - Washing at 60 degrees is the most effective but will cause the most damage to the encasement

    - Vacuum the outside of the encasement

    3. Two Layers: It's important that the cover is waterproof on the inside to have maximum dust mite protection and has a breathable outer layer to maximise cooling and comfort

    Click Here to See the Best Bedding for Dust Mite Allergy


          Step 2 - Get Rid of Dust Mites In Carpet

          image of a home with no carpets
          • Remove all carpets: Carpets are the largest fabric in home and most dust mites will live in the fabric. Dust Mite struggle to thrive on hard materials such as wood or tiles
            • Replace carpet with a hard surface such as wood or titles
            • The fewer gaps between your floor panels, the better, as this minimizes places where dust can accumulate.
          • If you are unable to replace the carpet
            • Weekly vacuum the carpet
            • Consider buying a steam cleaner for maximum results
          Click Here for the Best Dust Mite Killer Spray



            Step 3 - Reduce Dust Mite Humidity

            Dust Mites Die at Below 50% Humidity: Dust mites will start to die of dehydration once humidity is below 50%. This makes it an ultra effective method of reducing dust mites in the entire room.

            - Tip set humidity to 40% - as when you sleep at night / breathe / run water the humidity will temporarily increase allowing dust mites to surive. By setting it at 40% the increase in humidity will still maintain the critical level of below 50%


            Picking The Best Dehumidifier for Dust Mite Allergy

            A dehumidifier is the easiest way to reduce humidity in the home here are the top 3 features you should be looking at to solve your dust mite allergy:

            1. Humidity sensor that activates whenever humidity drops below 50%. We recommend setting the sensor to 40%, as humidity levels tend to be higher further away from the device.
            2. Dust Filter to make sure the air coming out doesn't spread dust
            3. Quiet Operation so you can keep the dehumidifier running all night. If Humidity rises to above 50% for 2 hours the mites will rehydrate, making it pointless.

            Tips On Reducing Dust Mite Humidity Level

            Humidity must be below 50% 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: If dust mites are exposed to humidity of above 50% for 2 hours they will rehydrate making the dehumidifier pointless. Thats why we recommend setting Humidity sensor to 40%

            Do not dry laundry inside: dry items outside or in a drying machine

            Keep windows closed when it's humid or wet outside. You can check the current humidity by googling "humidity in my area" or buy a humidity monitor to place outside your window. If humidity is above 50%, it's best to keep the windows closed.

              Fold blanket when you wake up: fold your blanket at the end of the bed to release any trapped damp air when you wake up.

                  Click Here for the Best Dehumidifier for Dust Mite Allergy


                  Step 4 - Use a Air Purifier for Dust Removal


                  An air purifier removes dust particles from the air: reducing the number of allergens that your skin / nose, mouth and eyes are exposed to. 


                  Key Features to Look For:

                  HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air: filters trap 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, like dust and allergens, improving air quality for allergy sufferers and medical environments. A standard filter will not capture all dust allergens

                  Quiet Operation: Ensures effectiveness even when left on at night, without disturbing your sleep.


                  Using Your Air Purifier Tips:

                  Continuous Operation: Run the air purifier 24/7 to keep dust mite allergens in check.

                  Night Mode: If you find the sound bothersome at night, select an air purifier with a reduced-volume night mode.

                  Click Here for The Best Dust Mite HEPA Air Purifier



                      Step 5 - Remove Fabrics - Dust Mites in Carpet

                      image of a living room with fabrics to remove to help dust mite allergy- rug, carpet, fabric sofa
                      • Remove Fabric Bed Frames: Opt for wood or metal frames instead.
                      • Remove Rugs and Mats: Try to get used to hard floors, or if necessary, wash them weekly.
                      • Remove Fabric Sofas: Use leather sofas instead.
                      • Remove Curtains: Replace them with metal or wood blinds.
                      • Remove Fabric Cushions: Choose leather cushions.
                      • Remove Fabric Toys: Use hard toys or wash fabric toys regularly by placing them in a laundry bag and washing at 60 degrees.
                      • Remove Old Wallpaper: Switch to painted walls.
                      • Remove Pets from the Bedroom: Allow them access to other rooms instead.
                      • Plain Walls are best: Avoid old wall paper that may hide mould and dust mites



                      Dust Mite Allergy Tips

                      Comprehensive Approach: Research has shown doing one step is not enough to effectively reduce your dust mite allergy. you need to do as many of these steps as possible to notice a significant reduction in your dust allergy symptoms


                      Why You Should Not Make Your Bed

                      @dustmitetreatment You Have Been Lied To 👀 ♬ original sound - DustMiteTreatment


                      Is this Dust Mite Item a Scam? Check out our reviews:


                      Why Tencel / Eucalyptus Silk is the best material for dust mite allergy sufferers: The optimal bedding choice for individuals with dust mite allergies is advanced Tencel, derived from Eucalyptus trees as it is:

                      1. Moisture Wicking: reducing humidity helps to get rid of dust mites
                      2. Super Soft and Comfortable: this reduces skin rashes and comfort
                      3. Hypoallergenic: Less likely to cause allergy symptoms

                      recommended Tencel Bedding


                      Remember CREVT

                        Image of getting rid of dust mites trapped on encasement, bedding and then put in washing machine the best way to get rid of dust mites


                        Step 6 - Clean and Freeze Dust Mites Removal 

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                        Thank You: for taking the time to read! As a lifelong allergy sufferer, my lifelong mission is to:

                        "Empower everyone with dust mite allergies to understand and control their condition"

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