What Does A Dust Mite Bite Look Like
What Is a Dust Mite Bite
- Thousands of house dust mites live in your home, they are too small to see (0.2mm) and look like an 8 legged arachnid
- Dust mites mostly live in bedroom items like mattresses, pillows, and Carpets.
What Does a Dust Mite Bite Look Like
- Dust mites are too tiny to bite, but your skin can react to an allergen they produce.
Dust Mite Rash

A reaction to a dust allergens causes the dust mite rash
A person who has scratched their arm due to the dust mite allergen reaction
Tip: A Cold shower can wash off the existing allergen and reduce immune response
Dust Mite Allergy Blocked Nose
- Blocked Nose: When a dust allergen enters your nose, it can cause inflammation, leading to swelling of the nasal passages and eventually making your nose feel blocked.
- Runny Nose: The body increases mucus production to expel the dust mite allergen, resulting in a runny nose.
Breathing difficulties may occur due to the combination of a blocked nose and throat, caused by the inflammation and excess mucus. You may feel the need to cough or sneeze in order to get rid of the excess mucus in your airways.
Tip: A Neti Pot can help get rid of the existing dust allergens in your nose, reducing your reaction
Dust Mite Allergy Eye Swollen and Red
Red Eye: When a dust allergen enters your eye, your body responds by releasing histamines, which increases blood flow to the area. This increased blood flow causes the eye to appear red, inflamed and swollen
- Watery Eye: To combat the dust allergens, your body produces more tears in an attempt to wash them out of your eyes.
Tip: To help your eyes expel the dust allergens, try to relax and keep your eyes closed for about 20 minutes. This can alleviate discomfort and promote healing.
How To Stop A Dust Mite Reaction
- The best way to stop a dust mite bite / reaction is to get rid of dust mites in your home
- Click Here For A 6-Step Guide How To Get Rid Of Dust Mites